Young’s Hut Restorations

Date(s) - 11 Apr 2015 until 12 Apr 2015


  • Grade 3
  • Leader: Ron Hammond
  • Phone: (02) 60401233
  • Cindy Marsh
  • 0410425335
  • Participant numbers:All are welcome
  • Final booking date:

The remaining weather boards to finish the exterior cladding of Young’s have arrived. To complete the restoration work, I have organised an overnight walk to be lead by myself for April 11 & 12th.

Cindy Marsh will lead a day walk to Young’s Hut on Saturday  April 11, to assist with carrying items out to the Hut.
We need oil the weather boards a couple of times and I have 6 three meter lengths of weatherboards and a small ladder to carry to the hut.
In additions, I will organise a working bee at short notice towards the end of April, to fix the weather boards and hang the new curtains, compliments of Trish Trevaskis.