Fall Creek Edmonsons and Ropers Huts

Date(s) - 3 Jan 2025 until 5 Jan 2025


  • Grade 3 Medium
  • Leader: Bernadette
  • Phone: 0429241687
  • Participant numbers:12
  • Final booking date: Wed Dec 24th

We will start walking from Watchbed Creek Track head early on Friday afternoon . If there are sufficient numbers we will do a short car duffle first to make Sunday easier.  Heathy Spur is a pleasant 4.5 km undulating walk on a footpad. From here we will walk 1km along the Big Rv Fire Trail and then turn down another km to Edmonsons Hut where we will set up camp.  After dinner some may like to walk back to the fire trail to find a good vantage point for sunset.

On Saturday we will walk along the fire trail to Ropers Hut with side  trips to Johnson’s Hut and Mt Nelse.  There are a few steep inches on today’s walk and it is 10kms all up.

Sunday sees us climbing to start the day and then mostly downhill along the fire trail to Langford Gap.  If we have not done the car shuffle, someone (possibly the leader if enough bribes are paid) will walk 2km along the road to the car and pick up the walkers.

As the walk is just after the silliest part of the silly season bookings will close more than a week before.  As there is some planning involved I’d appreciate it if you are committed to the walk, barring extraordinary circumstances, before booking.