Date(s) - 1 Jul 2014
- Grade 2
- Leader: Warwiclk
- Phone: 11111111111
- Participant numbers:Participants: 25
- Final booking date:
General Monthly Meeting :
Speaker: cross-country skiing with Peter Cranage of Snow Trek and Travel (formerly Snowgum) attending to details, with gear and tips to enjoy the Alpine area in snow.
followed by the
AGM -The Association Incorporation Reform Act 2012 requires financial statements to be submitted in a fuller form than that previously to members of the Club. These are now presented and will be tabled for approval by members at an adjourned AGM on Tuesday, 1 July2014, for which notice has already been given.
The Border Bushwalking Club Nights are regularly held on the first Tuesday of the month (except in December and January) at 7:30pm. The room is opened half an hour before the start so that members may socialise.
Where : Senior Citizens, Meeting Room, Civic Centre Complex, Hovell Street, Wodonga (Havelock Street end of car park)
Visitors are always welcome at meetings and supper is served afterwards.
Border Bushwalking Club Inc
PO Box 857 WODONGA 3689
Warwick McLachlan
President – Border Bushwalking Club