- Be sure to read the gradings BEFORE booking on any activity.
- Book in for walks by the due date listed on the walk description. If there is no due date listed, then you can assume the final booking day is the Wednesday leading up to the walk for days walks. But it is the leader’s perogative to list which days/times they wish to take bookings.
- If you have to cancel, let the leader know ASAP.
- SMS/text bookings are not appropriate, unless the leader has advised you that they are happy to take these types of bookings from you.
- Get to the meeting place on time.
- Advise the leader if you have any medical problems that may arise.
- Ensure you have the fitness, equipment and experience to undertake the activity you have chosen.
- Remember, the leader is a volunteer but is responsible for the whole group. Everyone’s co-operation makes the leader’s job easier and the trip more enjoyable.
- Be a team member, not a rugged individualist. Stay with the group, rather than race ahead or fall behind. The whip is to be the last in the group. Should you be in front of the group, you must stop and wait at any track junction.
- If you need to go off the track make sure a trip member or the whip knows, and leave your pack on the track where you go into the bush.
- Keep an eye out for anyone who needs assistance, even if it is just a rest.
- Leave the bush as clean or cleaner than you found it.