The Tramway and Arboretum (Near Mount Beauty) 10 klms Grade (3) Medium

Date(s) - 17 May 2014


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Leader: Carol Tonn

Ph (03) 5754 1214

Final booking date: Wednesday 14th May

The Tramway is situated 9 klms from Mount Beauty on the Bogong High Plains Road. The first couple of kilometres is uphill on a fire trail then the terrain is flat but rough in parts along the Tramway with 2 scrambles below trestle bridges. We will end up with a walk through the Arboretum which once contained 17 homes for the men who worked on the Kiewa hydro scheme in the early 1940s before a short walk down the road back to the cars.

Grade 3
(Medium) Medium activity with some hilly sections and/or rougher terrain. Opportunity to walk/cycle on defined and distinct tracks with some steep sections requiring a moderate level of fitness. Suitable for fit beginners. Distance should not exceed about 20km.