The Big Walk

Date(s) - 12 Apr 2025


  • Grade 4 Medium-Hard
  • Leader: Bernadette
  • Phone: 0419241687
  • Participant numbers:12
  • Final booking date: Wed 9th April

  • One Rocky part that can be slippery if wet but fairly flat, some road crossings.

This iconic but unimaginatively named, walk takes you from the bottom  of Mt Buffalo to the top ( and back again).  It is great to watch the scenery change as you walk up.  It is all on track, quite steep at the start and becoming an easier climb as you progress.
The walk is 23 km in length and involves a climb of just over 1000m.

There may be a possibility of going one way but only if someone else wants to go the other way or you can organize a car shuffle.

Phone me if you are interested and would like to know more.  Early bookings are appreciated if you are able to commit early.