AAWT Kiandra – Tharwa (Canberra)

Date(s) - 30 Mar 2018 until 4 Apr 2018


  • Grade 4
  • Leader: John Hillard
  • Phone:
  • Bernadette Cromarty
  • 0419241687
  • Participant numbers:8
  • Final booking date: Fri Feb 2nd (but ASAP)


Some of us have been inching our way up the Australian Alps Walking Track over the past two years and in 2018 we’ll do the final section from Kiandra to Tharwa near Canberra. This section has rather less of the UP-UP-UP and DOWN-DOWN-DOWN that we are used to from previous sections but it is still a fairly substantial undertaking. It takes six days (so carrying five days food) and typical distances of 20km per day. It is the one bit of the AAWT that I’ve not done before but it looks very interesting with beautiful alpine plains and historic huts. We will be Hiring a mini bus to get us to the start of the walk at Kiandra and we will arrange transport to get you from Tharwa to central Canberra but you’ll have to arrange to get yourself home.   The trip is being run over the period of an ancient pagan spring festival called Easter so followers of Ishtar, Horus, Mithras or Cybele are also welcome along although they will have to cope with the fact that it will actually be autumn in this part of the world.

Bookings through Bernadette please.  They will need to be early so we can arrange logistics over this busy weekend.